
It is not the same without you. everything feels like a game,
where there is paper on the floor.
and in each paper you lift it says about our own lives.
it is not about US anymore, it is not about how happy WE will be,
it is just how happy I am or how sad I can be.
Nothing is the same without you,
my mom put the pen in my hand and say "write"
but how can I write?
nothing is the same as before..
it is you who got the pen to write, when my mom put it in hand on me.
Nothing is the same without you.
it's like I'm in a deep hole and the only thing that keeps me company during the dark night is spiders ..
i know why you chose to give me the spider as a pet at night.
it is because for every time a spider die,
I do not know what spider it is.
it's like going on the road where there are thousands of small stones.
and you do not know what stones you walk on, you just go.
Nothing is the same without you.
and now I know why ..
Because you leave my heart before you even tried to love me..
// Elin


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